Taking beef as a subject for study, the effects of baking with aluminum foil on the edible and nutritional quality of beef were explored. This study provides a theoretical reference for consumers to choose a more scientific cooking process. In this study, the cooking loss, cooking yield, color, shear force and texture characteristics and other nutritional qualities such as crude fat, protein and moisture contents of beef cooked by steaming, cooking and aluminum foil baking were measured. The results showed that, between the three cooking processes, the aluminum foil treatment group has the lowest cooking loss and the highest cooking yield. The L* and a* values of the aluminum foil baked beef were not significantly different from those of the steamed and cooked groups (P>0.05). The shear force value of the aluminum foil treatment group was the smallest, and there was no significant difference compared with the steaming group (P>0.05). There was no significant difference in hardness, chewiness, cohesiveness and resilience between the three cooking processes (P>0.05), but its elasticity was significantly lower than steaming and boiled groups (P<0.01). Under different cooking processes, the aluminum foil baked beef had the highest moisture content, which was significantly higher than the steaming and cooking process (P<0.01). The protein and crude fat contents were the lowest, which was significantly lower than the other two cooking methods (P<0.01). In short, compared to steaming and cooking, the aluminum foil baked beef has a bright red color, good tenderness, low water loss and low fat content, and it has high commercial value.
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