Analysis of heat transfer characteristics of postharvest heat treatment conditions of fruits and vegetables

  • DING Yuxian ,
  • ZHANG Na ,
  • CHEN Aiqiang
  • 1(College of Civil and Architecture, East China of Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013,China);
    2(National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Civil Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, China);
    3(Tianjin Key Laboratory of Refrigeration Technology, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin 300134, China)

Received date: 2019-10-29

  Online published: 2020-05-19


This study is to explore the relationship between hot water treatment conditions and heat transfer characteristics of fruits and vegetables. Using computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer simulation was performed on a variety of fruits and vegetables (apple-pear, mango, navel orange, strawberry, grape and cucumber) with known heat treatment conditions, and the heat transfer rate and temperature distribution of the pulp center were obtained. The results show that the rms error between the simulated value and the experimental value of the heat transfer model is 7.8%, and the accuracy is high. Based on the analysis of the principles of fruit and vegetable storage and transportation, it′s known that the heat preservation effect is closely related to the characteristics of fruit types. For some varieties with strong storability, the heat transfer rate only needs to be in the rising stage under heat treatment conditions, (such as apple pear: 0-0.7; navel orange: 0-0.55), but if the storability is average or poor, the heat transfer rate needs is in a falling zone or tends to level (such as mango 2.7-0.5; cucumber 1.1-0.3 or strawberry 0.3-0; grape 1-0), so that the energy exchange is sufficient and the heat transfer effect is enhanced. "Low temperature and long time" or "High temperature and long time" treatments have the best heat transfer effect, but low temperature time and high temperature thresholds should be considered to prevent thermal damage. This method provides a theoretical reference for exploring the range of heat treatment conditions for other varieties.

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DING Yuxian , ZHANG Na , CHEN Aiqiang . Analysis of heat transfer characteristics of postharvest heat treatment conditions of fruits and vegetables[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(7) : 188 -193 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022659


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