Luzhou-flavor Baijiu is one of the largest Baijiu types in production and sales in China. The traditional mud cellar fermentation method is unsuitable for mechanized operation and thus labor-intensive, and the original Baijiu often has the smell of pit mud. In order to produce Luzhou-flavor Baijiu without cellar mud, the fermentation broth of caproic acid was produced by cultivating pit mud microorganisms separately, and then mixed with fermented grains. The preparation of caproic acid fermentation broth was prepared by liquid anaerobic culture, and after 9 d fermentation, the content of caproic acid reached about 10 g/L and the content of butyric acid 2 g/L. Fermented grains were prepared in so-called pre-fermentation, which is traditional solid-state fermentation with a duration of 6-8 d according to physical and chemical parameters such as the content of alcohol and residual starch. Then a post-fermentation was conducted by mixing 0.04 g caproic acid fermentation broth with 100 g pre-fermented grains, till the total fermentation period was 42 d. The product prepared by this process has a soft and sweet favor, outstanding aroma of ethyl caproate, and typical style of high-quality Luzhou-flavor Baijiu.
WEI Xiaoqing
HAN Yuchen
LI Yang
XIAO Dongguang
. Production of Luzhou-flavor Baijiu by fermentation without cellar mud[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(7)
: 105
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023066
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