Improvement and comparison of Aspergillus niger genomic DNA extraction methods

  • CAI Chengshan ,
  • WANG Yu ,
  • BAI Feirong ,
  • ZHAI Lei ,
  • ZHANG Tianci ,
  • HU Hairong ,
  • YAO Su
  • (China Center of Industrial CultureCollection, China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries Co. Ltd., Beijing 100015, China)

Received date: 2019-12-06

  Online published: 2020-04-24


To screen a method of DNAextraction suitable for whole genome sequencing of Aspergillus niger, the culture conditions of A. niger, cell wall rupture methods and common DNA extraction methods were compared and the DNA purity and band integrity were determined. The results showed that mycelium fully milled by liquid nitrogen, genomic DNA extracted by CTAB method, and combining with the kit purification was a DNA extraction method suitable for sequencing the whole genome of A. niger. Using this method to extract the genomic DNA of 35 strains of A. niger isolated from different sources, the results showed that the content of protein and RNA was low, and the main bands were bright and clear, with the concentrations ranging from 52.24 to 212.37 ng/μL, which met the requirements of whole-genome sequencing. The whole genome DNA extraction method of A. niger screened in this study can meet the analysis requirements and has the value of popularization and application in laboratory.

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CAI Chengshan , WANG Yu , BAI Feirong , ZHAI Lei , ZHANG Tianci , HU Hairong , YAO Su . Improvement and comparison of Aspergillus niger genomic DNA extraction methods[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(6) : 13 -18 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022988


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