In order to provide technical reference for storage and preservation of pomegranate, this study focused on the change of postharvest physiology and storage quality of Shaanxi lintong 'pure sweet 'pomegranate fruits after the treatment of low temperature combined with film packaging. After pre-cooling, the pomegranate was packed with the 0.01 mm thick polyethylene (PE) plastic cling film, and stored in freezers at (0±0.5) ℃, (4±0.5) ℃, (8±0.5) ℃ with 90%~95% relative humidity respectively. Pomegranates stored without membrane packaging were used as controls. Fruit soluble solids content, titratable acid content, Vc content, respiration rate, relative electrical conductivity, browning index, weight loss rate and decay rate were tested by random sampling every 30 days. Sensory evaluation was conducted after storage. Results showed that the pomegranate stored at (4±0.5) ℃ with the 0.01 mm thick PE film packaging could maintain the fruit soluble solids content, titratable acid content and Vc content. Meanwhile, it could inhibit the fruit respiration, slow down the relative conductance rate and browning index of peel, and reduce weightlessness rate and fruit decay rate. After 120 days of storage, the fruit had bright color, good sensory quality and better preservation effect. The storage period of pomegranate could be effectively prolonged at (4±0.5) ℃ and combined packaging with 0.01mm polyethylene film.
ZHANG Runguang
LIU Haohan
GUO Xiaocheng
ZHANG Youlin
. Effects of low temperature combined with film packaging on postharvest physiology and storage quality of pomegranate fruit[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(8)
: 187
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022831
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