In order to keep tuna edible quality and prolong shelf life, response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the ratio of tuna ice-coated liquid. Entropy weight method was used to calculate the total score of water holding capacity, color difference and salt-soluble protein content. A quadratic polynomial regression model with the total score as the response value was established. By variance analysis and regression fitting, the optimum proportion of compound ice coating liquid was obtained, that was, rosmarinic acid 0.3%, sodium lactate 3.4%, and antioxidant of bamboo leaves 0.12%. To verify the freshness preservation effect, tuna was treated with compound ice coating solution with the optimum proportion and stored for six months. The water holding capacity, cooking loss, salt soluble protein and TVB-N were measured. The results showed that compared with the control group, the compound ice-coated group could inhibit the growth of microorganisms, effectively slow down the increase of TVB-N value. Moreover, it has better water holding capacity, salt-soluble protein content and color difference value, and effectively maintains the freshness of tuna.
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