Effects of different preservation treatments on storage quality and preservation effect of Muscat Hamburg grapes

JI Haipeng, LI Chao, GAO Congcong, DONG Chenghu, CHEN Cunkun, ZHU Zhiqiang, GUAN Junfeng, ZHANG Na, YU Jinze

Food and Fermentation Industries ›› 2020, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6) : 127-132.

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Food and Fermentation Industries ›› 2020, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6) : 127-132. DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022295

Effects of different preservation treatments on storage quality and preservation effect of Muscat Hamburg grapes

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This paper aimed to explore the influence of new green preservation methods on the quality of Muscat Hamburg grapes for the optimization of the best new safe preservation technology of Muscat Hamburg grapes. In this experiment, Muscat Hamburg grapes were stored at (-0.5±0.5) ℃. CT chemical preservative agent (provided by the national agricultural product preservation engineering technology research center) and other new preservation methods (1-MCP, O3, ClO2) were adopted. The results showed that CT+O3 increased with the storage time compared with control group. The preservation effect of CT+ O3, CT+ClO2 and CT+ 1-MCP was better than that of CT. In addition, the respiratory intensity of Muscat Hamburg grapes treated with CT+ClO2 was significantly weaker than the other three, and the indexes such as hardness, tensile strength could be well maintained within a certain range. And the declining trend of hardness, soluble solids and titratable acid content was slowed down. Besides, the activity of PPO and POD and APX were decreased. In conclusion, CT+ClO2 treatment was the best condition for the preservation of Muscat Hamburg grapes.

Key words

Muscat Hamburg grape / fresh-keeping / storage quality / sulfur dioxide / chlorine dioxide

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JI Haipeng, LI Chao, GAO Congcong, DONG Chenghu, CHEN Cunkun, ZHU Zhiqiang, GUAN Junfeng, ZHANG Na, YU Jinze. Effects of different preservation treatments on storage quality and preservation effect of Muscat Hamburg grapes[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020, 46(6): 127-132 https://doi.org/10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022295


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