In order to analyze the effects of carbohydrates in food on probiotic′s biological characteristics, and relationship between carbohydrates and acid-tolerance of Bacillus coagulans was studied. When fructose was used as the carbon source, the intracellular ATP content of B. coagulans reached 5.8181 mol/g prot, which was 1.95 times higher than that of the control group. At the same time, the contents of heptadecanoic acid and total unsaturated fatty acid increased significantly, reaching 61.87% and 26.49%, respectively. The intracellular ATP content of Glu, Arg, Asp and Lys closely related to the bacteria′s acid tolerance ability showed a sharp increase. The acid resistance was 21% higher than that of the control group, 27.84 times higher than that of the organic acid group, and 35.63 times higher than that of the lactose group. In conclusion, different carbon sources have significantly different effects on probiotic acid tolerance ability.
LI Changfu, WU Ying, ZHOU Zilyu, CAO Li, WANG Dahong, GU Shaobin. Effect and mechanisms of carbon sources on acid tolerance of Bacillus coagulans[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019, 45(24): 16-21. DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021926
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