38 varieties of sweet potatoes were processed into raw wet noodles in order to study the suitability for wet noodle processing of different sweet potato varieties. Processing index including texture profile analysis (TPA), moisture, ash, starch, reducing sugar and total sugar of the sweet potatoes as well as quality index such as TPA and steaming loss rate of sweet potato raw wet noodles were respectively measured. The regression model between the comprehensive evaluation index of sweet potato raw wet noodles and the processing index of sweet potato raw materials was established by correlation analysis, main composition analysis and regression analysis methods. Preliminary clustering was then conducted on the comprehensive evaluation index of wet raw noodles processed from 38 sweet potato varieties by K-means clustering method. The results showed that 17 sweet potato varieties were suitable for raw wet noodle processing, 12 varieties were less suitable and 9 varieties were not suitable for such processing. The evaluation results were in line with application in practice. This study may provide certain theoretical basis for the screening of sweet potato varieties for raw wet noodle processing.
FAN Huiping
XU Mengyan
MA Jingyi
WANG Xuezhu
AI Zhilu
. Analysis of the quality characteristics and processing suitability of different varieties of sweet potato raw wet noodles[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(24)
: 111
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020846
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