The objective of this study was to develop model food for microwave pasteurization based on the dielectric properties of salmon. The dielectric properties of salmon were determined at 20-110 ℃ and 300-2 500 MHz by coaxial probe method. The changes of dielectric properties of model food were analyzed with different whey protein contents to match the dielectric properties of salmon. Results showed that the dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor of salmon decreased with the increase of frequency at a certain temperature. When frequency was constant, the dielectric constant decreased and loss factor of salmon increased with temperature increasing. Higher whey protein content led to the decrease of dielectric constant and loss factor of model food. In addition, the dielectric characteristic curves of model food were close to those of salmon at 433, 915 and 2 450 MHz, with model food formula (mass fraction) of 10% whey protein, 1% gelatin, 1% D-ribose, 1% L-lysine, 0.3% calcium chloride and 86.7% distilled water. Model food developed in this study can be used to simulate salmon for temperature distribution and cold spot determination in microwave pasteurization processes, which provides a theoretical basis for the development of salmon microwave pasteurization process.
CHEN Yingying
TU Guifei
LUAN Donglei
. Model food development based on the dielectric properties of salmon[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(22)
: 117
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021124
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