Correlation between quality change and protein oxidation of turbot(Scophthalmus maximus) during refrigerated and ice storage

  • ZOU Zhaoyang ,
  • ZHAO Feng ,
  • OU Shuai ,
  • SU Zhiwei ,
  • MU Weili ,
  • LIU Meng ,
  • ZHOU Deqing
  • 1 (College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China)
    2 (Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Laboratory for Marine Drugs and Bioproducts of Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266071, China)
    3 (Qingdao Yihexing Food Co., Ltd., Qingdao 26600, China)
    4 (Penglai Huiyang Food Co., Ltd., Penglai 265600, China)

Received date: 2019-07-30

  Online published: 2020-02-16


In order to study the relationship between quality change and protein oxidation of turbot during storage, changes in protein oxidation parameters and quality indicators during refrigerated (4 °C) and ice (0 °C) storage were determined, and the correlation among them was also analyzed. The results showed that with the prolongation of storage time, water-holding capacity, surface hydrophobicity, carbonyl content and disulfide content for two groups of turbot increased, while sensory score, textural parameters and total sulfhydryl content showed a decreasing trend. Taking all these indicators into consideration, quality deterioration of turbot fillets during refrigerated and ice storage increased with the intensification of protein oxidation, and quality deterioration as well as protein oxidation for the refrigerated group were obviously faster than that of the iced group. At same storage temperature, high degree of protein oxidation contributed to bad quality for turbot fillets. In addition, a good correlation between protein oxidation parameters and quality indicators for turbot was obtained during refrigerated and ice storage. Therefore, quality change of turbot during storage is closely related to protein oxidation.

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ZOU Zhaoyang , ZHAO Feng , OU Shuai , SU Zhiwei , MU Weili , LIU Meng , ZHOU Deqing . Correlation between quality change and protein oxidation of turbot(Scophthalmus maximus) during refrigerated and ice storage[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(22) : 213 -219 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021843


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