To investigate the impact of different packaging films on the shelf life of cherry tomatoes at room temperature, the “Millennium” cherry tomatoes were selected as experimental materials. The cherry tomatoes were packaged with five packaging films, including polyethylene [P1 (film thickness: 20 μm)], polyethylene of low density (P2), polyethylene [P3 (film thickness: 13 μm)], polyvinylidene chloride (P4) and polyvinyl chloride (P5). The sensory qualities of the fruits, the proportion of gases in the packaging, respiration rates and rotting rates of the fruits, weight losses and color of the fruits and sepals, chlorophyll contents of the sepals, and contents of nutrients such as total soluble solid, titrable acid as well as vitamin C of the fruits were analyzed for selecting suitable packaging films for cherry tomatoes. The results showed that P1, P2, P3, P4 significantly kept the quality of cherry tomatoes compared with P5. Furthermore, P1 and P2 showed more significant effects on extending the shelf life due to the formation of high concentrations of CO2 and low concentrations of O2 microenvironment in the package. Besides, P1 and P2 significantly delayed the respiratory rate and rotting rate of the fruits, inhibited the water loss, color change and production of malondialdehyde of fruits and sepal, as well as chlorophyll degradation of the sepal. Meanwhile, P1 and P2 were able to maintain the high level of total soluble solid, titrable acid and vitamin C contents of the fruits. Therefore, P1, P2 packaging films are more suitable for cherry tomatoes, which can provide technical support for their storage and marketing.
ZHAO Huanhuan
ZHOU Hongsheng
HU Huali
LUO Shufen
ZHANG Yingtong
LI Pengxia
. Effects of different packaging materials on the quality of cherry tomato,the water loss and color of the fruit sepal[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(9)
: 209
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023237
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