The hard cheese has a long ripening period. The protein degrades to form a certain amount of water-soluble polypeptide, some of the small molecule polypeptides have antioxidant activity. In this study, the relationship between ripening time and antioxidant activity of water-soluble peptide was explored, skim yak milk was used as raw material to prepare hard cheese. The physicochemical index, antioxidant activity and microorganism quantity were determined during 0-6 months maturation. The results showed that regarding the antioxidant activity, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging rate, O-2· scavenging rate and OH· scavenging rate reached the peak value after 4 months, which were 52.39%, 63.27% and 49.54% respectively. The increase after one month were 71.43%, 62.20% and 104.39% respectively. The reducing power increased with a value of 24.50% after 2 months. During the 6-month ripening period, the number of microbes showed a downward trend. The total number of lactic acid bacteria and aerobic bacteria decreased by 9.89% and 8.00% after 4 month of maturity. The correlation analysis was performed on each indicator. The results showed that the ripening time affected the antioxidant activity of the water-soluble polypeptide and the bacterial count in cheese; the bacterial count in cheese ripening process affected the concentration of the water-soluble polypeptide and the antioxidant activity.
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