In order to optimize the storage and preservation conditions of fresh daylily and prolong the shelf life of fresh daylily, this experiment used fresh daylily as raw material, and adopted vacuum pre-cooling and cold storage pre-cooling respectively to pre-cool the daylily, and used non-pre-cooling as control to study the effect of different pre-cooling methods on quality of fresh daylily during storage. The weight loss rate, sensory quality, respiration intensity, total soluble solid (TSS), peroxidase(POD) and superoxide dismutase(SOD) of fresh daylily were compared under different treatments, and the shelf life of fresh daylily was predicted. The results showed that vacuum pre-cooling was more effective in prolonging the shelf life of fresh daylily. Compared with cold storage pre-cooling and control group, vacuum pre-cooling can effectively reduce the respiratory intensity of daylily (P<0.05), delay the deterioration of sensory quality and nutrition loss such as vitamin C(P<0.05) and soluble solids (P<0.05) during storage, and maintain the higher activity of POD and SOD (P<0.05). The predicted shelf life of daylily precooled by vacuum pre-cooling was 23 days, which was four days more than pre-cooling method of cold storage and nine days more than control group. The research results provide a theoretical basis for optimizing the storage and preservation methods of fresh daylily.
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