To study the variation of the quality of yak meat during the marinating process, yak meat was used as raw material to measure the dynamic changes of physical and chemical properties, color difference, texture and sensory properties during the process of yak meat. The results showed that the marinating time had significant effects on the moisture content, protein content, tenderness, ash content, color difference and texture of yak meat (P<0.05). The moisture content, tenderness and the a* value decreased firstly with the marinating time while the protein content increased at first and then decreased. And the ash content and hardness, elasticity, chewing type and cohesiveness, L* and b* value were negatively correlated with the marinating time. Considering the effect of the marinating time on the quality of the yak meat, 60 min was the optimized marinating time for the marinated yak meat with good quality and stability. This experiment provides theoretical support and scientific basis on the study of marinated yak meat and the improvement of processing technology.
DAI Anna
WANG Xiqiao
LIU Hongna
. Study on yak meat quality changes in the process of marinating[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(9)
: 171
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022710
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