In order to optimize the hydrolysis, content determination and structural analysis of the saponins in the extracted Akebia trifoliata pericarp, a method was developed for the determination of hederagenin, using acetonitrile-0.1% phosphoric acid (20∶80) solution as mobile phase and the detection wavelength was 210 nm. Its structure was analyzed by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and1HNMR and13CNMR. The effects of volume fraction of hydrochloric acid, temperature and time on the hydrolysis yield of hederagenin were investigated. Based on the single factor experiment, using response surface analysis method to optimize the process, established the regression equation of each factor on hederagenin hydrolysis yield, and obtained the optimum conditions of the process. The results showed that the volume fraction of hydrochloric acid was 24%, the temperature was 82 ℃, and the hydrolysis time was 3.1 h. Under these conditions, the yield of hederagenin was 61.423%; the content of hederagenin in the sample was (11.556 75±0.039 221)mg/g; the infrared spectrum of hederagenin was basically consistent with the main functional groups of the hederagenin standard; the1 HNMR and 13CNMR analysis were basically consistent with the reported data of hederagenin. Therefore, this study can provide some reference for the deep processing of hederagenin in the Akebia trifoliata pericarp.
SHI Bingyan
LI Xiang
. Optimization of hydrolysis process and structure map analysis of hederagenin in Akebia trifoliata pericarp[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(2)
: 239
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021801
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