To establish a rapid method for the determination of kojic acid in food, the Poly (L-citrulline) modified electrode was prepared by electrochemical polymerization of L-citrulline on the glassy carbon electrode. The electrochemical behavior of kojic acid on poly (L-citrulline) modified electrode and glassy carbon electrode was studied by cyclic voltammetry under optimal experimental conditions. The concentration of koic acid in the range of 8.0×10-6~2.8×10-4 mol/L has a good linear correlation with its oxidation peak current (ipa);the correlation coefficient is 0.995 5; the detection limit is 4.0×10-6 mol/L; and the linear equation is ipa=1.03×10-6+0.060c (mol/L). Overall, the modified electrode has good sensitivity, selectivity and reproducibility, which is suitable for the analysis of kojic acid in soybean paste, vinegar and soy sauce.
SHAO Dongxu
MA Xinying
XIN Minghao
. Poly L-citrulline electrode electrochemical determination of kojic acid in food[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(3)
: 276
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022258
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