Development of functional compound polysaccharide beverage and research on its antioxidant and hypoglycemic activity

  • JIANG Pengfei ,
  • WANG Zhaogai ,
  • SHI Guanying ,
  • WANG Xiaomin ,
  • ZHANG Le ,
  • CHENG Jingjing ,
  • ZHAO Lili ,
  • WANG Xuzeng
  • (Agricultural Products Processing Center, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450000, China)

Received date: 2019-08-20

  Online published: 2020-03-27


To tackle the issue of single raw material, poor taste and stability in polysaccharide beverages on the market, the functional compound polysaccharide beverage was developed with Toona sinensis polysaccharide, Cassiae semen polysaccharide, barley polysaccharide and yams polysaccharide extract as raw material which has high functional activity and medicinal value, and stevia and citric acid as accessory material. This study applied orthogonal experiments to optimize the formula of functional compound polysaccharide beverage. The functional activity of the beverage was also evaluated with respect to polysaccharide content, antioxidant and hypoglycemic activities. Results showed that the optimum processing parameters were: 16 mL of Toona sinensis polysaccharide liquid, 8 mL of Cassiae semen polysaccharide liquid, 24 mL of barley polysaccharide liquid, 28 mL of yams polysaccharide liquid, 0.04 g of stevia and 0.02 g of citric acid. Under this optimum conditions, the sensory score and polysaccharide content were 91.1 and 7.92 mg/mL, and the IC50 values for the scavenging of DPPH·, ·OH radicals and the inhibitory effect on α-glucosidase were 0.506, 24.494 and 9.280 mg/mL respectively. The functional compound polysaccharide beverage showed uniform color, balanced taste between sweetness and sourness and higher stability. In conclusion, it was a new type of compound beverage with typical flavor and abundant nutrients. This study provides a theoretical basis for the development and functional evaluation of compound polysaccharide beverage.

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JIANG Pengfei , WANG Zhaogai , SHI Guanying , WANG Xiaomin , ZHANG Le , CHENG Jingjing , ZHAO Lili , WANG Xuzeng . Development of functional compound polysaccharide beverage and research on its antioxidant and hypoglycemic activity[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(1) : 197 -203 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022037


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