In order to improve the freeze-drying survival rate and prepare efficiently for industrial production of Lactobacillus reuteri, the effect of different kinds of protective agents on the bacteria was systematically analyzed. The high-density freeze-drying process was optimized to reduce the freeze-drying volume. Firstly, the bacterial mud of L. reuteri, mixed with different molecular weights and kinds of monosaccharides (alcohols), disaccharides (alcohols), oligosaccharides, polysaccharides and proteins were lyophilized and the survival rate were measured. Then, the protective effect of lyoprotectants with different molecular weights and preponderant lyoprotectants compounded with other substances on the bacteria were studied. Finally, the ratio of the bacteria to the protective agent and the dry matter content in bacterial suspension were optimized before lyophilization. The results showed that oligosaccharides had the best lyophilization effect on L. reuteri and substances with different molecular weights in different proportions did not improve the protection effect. The glutathione, betaine, amino acids, nucleotides, inorganic salts, vitamins and other substances did not significantly improve the freeze-drying protective effect of oligosaccharides on the bacteria. When the bacterial mud and oligosaccharide protective agent were mixed at a dry weight ratio of 1∶1.2, the freeze-drying survival rate was the highest. And the freeze-drying survival rate was more than 90% when the dry matter concentration of the bacterial suspension was 29%. The results provided guidance for the efficient lyophilization of Lactobacillus.
TAN Shasha
MA Fangli
CUI Shumao
MAO Bingyong
ZHAO Jianxin
. Optimization of lyoprotectants and high-density freeze-drying process for Lactobacillus reuteri[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(4)
: 1
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022157
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