A rapid and accurate multi-wavelength ultraviolet absorption spectrometry for the determination of sorbic acid in drinks and pastries was established. In the pH 3.25 tris- hydrochloric acid solution, basic violet reacts with sorbic acid to form binary ion association complexes with three positive absorption peaks in the ultraviolet region. The maximum absorption peak was located at 254 nm, and the other two absorption peaks were located at 305 nm and 224 nm, respectively. Their linear range were 0.03~1.4 mg/L; The apparent molar absorption coefficients (κ) were 4.50×104 L/(mol·cm) (254 nm), 2.09×104 L/(mol·cm) (305 nm) and 2.53×104 L/(mol·cm) (223 nm), respectively; The detection limits were 0.028 mg/L (254 nm), 0.030 mg/L (305 nm) and 0.025 mg/L (223 nm), respectively. When measured by single-wavelength method (254 nm as an example), the quantitative limit of drinks was 4.66 mg/L and the quantitative limit of pastries was 1.68 mg/kg. When measured by dual-wavelength (254 nm+305 nm) or three-wavelength (254 nm+305 nm+223 nm) method, the apparent molar absorptivity (κ) were 6.59×104 L/(mol·cm) and 9.12×104 L/(mol·cm), respectively; The detection limits were 0.014 mg/L and 0.009 8 mg/L, respectively; The quantitative limit of beverage were 2.33 mg/L and 1.63 mg/L, respectively; The quantitative limit of pastries were 0.843 mg/kg and 0.590 mg/kg. When used dual-wavelength method as an example for measurement, the spiked recovery and relative standard deviation (RSD) (n=5) of samples were 97.3% to 102% and 2.0% to 2.7%, respectively. This method was suitable for the rapid determination of sorbic acid in pastries and drinks.
PANG Xiangdong
. Rapid determination of sorbic acid in drinks and pastries by multi-wavelength ultraviolet absorption spectrometry[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(4)
: 272
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022230
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