In terms of understanding the relationship between wheat quality and Daqu quality, eleven quality indexes and twelve Daqu indexes at five fermentation stages from five wheat varieties were evaluated by variance analysis, regression analysis and principal component analysis. The results indicated that significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in quality traits and Daqu quality indicators between different wheat varieties. The grain bulk density, fat content, absorption rate, wet gluten content, and sedimentation value were positively correlated with the increase of protein content in Daqu, while the grain protein content was negatively correlated with liquefaction power and esterification power. Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that the saccharification power of Daqu was mainly affected by fat content, sedimentation value and starch content, the liquefaction power was affected by bulk density and starch content, the fermentation power was affected by 1 000-grain weight, bulk density and starch content, and the esterification power was affected by bulk density and starch content. The cumulative variance contribution rate of the first three principal components was 74.57%. “Changmai 34” and “Shumai 691”, which were selected by principal component analysis with higher starch content and bulk density, were more suitable for Daqu production. The present results confirmed the wheat quality traits that affecting Daqu quality, established a new method to evaluate raw grain materials, and provided reference for specific end-use variety breeding and Daqu manufacturing process optimization.
LIU Miao
ZHAO Mengmeng
YE Yingtong
XIONG Yanfei
CHEN Guoyue
LI Wei
. Comprehensive quality evaluation of Daqu of different wheat varieties based on principal components analysis[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(6)
: 19
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022982
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