Preparation of the microcapsules of sea buckthorn pulp by spray drying and the evaluation of its physicochemical properties

  • XU Sining ,
  • LIU Hongbo ,
  • TANG Zhishu ,
  • SONG Zhongxing ,
  • SUN Jing ,
  • CUI Chunli ,
  • CAI Xinghang ,
  • YU Jingao ,
  • LIU Shijun ,
  • SUN Xiaochun
  • (Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine/Shaanxi Collaborative Innovation Center of Chinese Medicinal Resources Industrialization,Shaanxi Research Centre on Discovery & Innovation of New Medicine,Xianyang 712083, China)

Received date: 2019-12-12

  Online published: 2020-04-24


With acacia gum and maltodextrin as capsule materials, the preparation process of sea buckthorn pulp microcapsules by spray drying was optimized and the encapsulation rate of vitamin c (VC) and microcapsule yield were taken evaluation index. The main factors including air intake temperature, acacia gum as a percentage of total capsule material, wall-to-core ratio and solid content were examined. The physicochemical properties of microcapsules such as water content, water activity, microstructure, particle size distribution, hygroscopicity and stability were also examined. The optimized process was as follows: inlet air temperature 160 ℃, acacia gum accounts for 80%, wall-to-core ratio 2:1 and solid content 20%. The microcapsules prepared under optimized conditions had good solubility and stability, and the Vc encapsulation rate and yield was 95.48% and 57.14%, respectively. The research could provide a reference for the development of sea buckthorn pulp microcapsules and related products.

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XU Sining , LIU Hongbo , TANG Zhishu , SONG Zhongxing , SUN Jing , CUI Chunli , CAI Xinghang , YU Jingao , LIU Shijun , SUN Xiaochun . Preparation of the microcapsules of sea buckthorn pulp by spray drying and the evaluation of its physicochemical properties[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(6) : 121 -126 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023079


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