Spermidine is a natural polyamine involved in numerous biological processes, which has the functions of anti-aging, improving memory, and inducing autophagy. However, the low spermidine yield limits its development. It is crucial to excavate the genes related to spermidine synthesis for metabolic engineering breeding. The spermidine synthase gene has been predicted as speE in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, while its function in spermidine formation has not been identified. To confirm the function of speE, a deletion mutant of speE and its complementary strain were constructed, and the impact of these gene manipulations on spermidine synthesis were analyzed. Our results indicated that the spermidine was not detectable after knocking out of speE, revealing that the deletion mutant strain was deprived of the ability to produce spermidine. After complementary expression of speE, the capacity of spermidine synthesis was recovered. In this study, the speE was first confirmed involved in spermidine synthesis in B. amyloliquefaciens, which provided the foundation for the metabolic engineering breeding of spermidine and related research.
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