In order to explore the effects of different pulping processes on the quality of soymilk, the organoleptic, nutritional,physicochemical indexes of soymilk produced by the uncooked process, single pulp & residue co-cooking process, double pulp & residue co-cooking process and the hot water extract process were evaluated. In addition, correlation analysis was carried out for each index. The highest sensory score of soymilk was double pulp and residue co-cooking process, with a score of 87.7. Hot water slurry process score of 87.3 points, ranked second. The soymilk from double pulp residue co-cooking process produces a soybean milk stability coefficient of 94.9%, a protein content of 3.890 g/100 g, a fat content of 1.814 g/100 g, and a total sugar content of 1.267 g/100 g, which has the best stability and highest content nutrients. The particle size of the soymilk obtained by the four pulping processes is mainly distributedbetween0.1 μmand2 μm. The maximum particle size of the soymilk is secondary pulping process which D50 and D[4,3] is 0.500 μm and 0.547 μm respectively, and the particle size of the raw slurry process soymilk is minimum, which is 0.423 μm, 0.454 μm respectively. Correlation analysis indicated that there is a significant positive correlation between protein content and viscosity, soymilk stability, average particle size and sensory score (P<0.01), and the correlation coefficients were 0.968, 0.843, 0.979, 0.975, respectively. Protein content is negatively correlated to sedimentation velocity significantly , the correlation is -0.974. Under the same conditions, the secondary pulping process is more suitable for soymilk processing.
LIU Haiyu
ZHAO Liangzhong
SHEN Guoxiang
DEND Yaxin
XIE Chunping
WU Jiang
MO Xin
. Study on the influence of different pulping processes on the quality of soymilk[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(7)
: 148
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022758
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