Innovativeness and applicability are two important indicators for regional universities as to undergraduate education. How to deepen the reform of innovation education and cultivate undergraduate students with strong innovation ability is an urgent problem. A scientific research management platform was developed for regional universities, which focused on undergraduate education and served plenty of scientific experiments for undergraduate students. A mechanism was established to encourage undergraduate students to participate in scientific research projects. Two courses were developed for innovative thinking training, using scientific research achievements from both teachers and students as the main cases. The students' innovation ability could be interactively elevated by Platform-Project-Course. This project is an effective way to cultivate students′ innovation ability, and has benefited a wide range of students and has many innovative achievements.
DU Yonghua
LI Weitian
FENG Ruizhang
YOU Ling
. Exploring the path of promoting students’ innovation ability with the interaction of “Platform-Project-Course” model[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(7)
: 296
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023450
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