Study on quality differences of Dendrobium officinale in different areas

  • CHEN Yanlan ,
  • ZHONG Chunfei ,
  • XU Ya'nan ,
  • DU Bing ,
  • REN Yunhong ,
  • LI Pan
  • (College of Food,South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510000, China)

Received date: 2019-12-06

  Online published: 2020-05-20


This paper aims to establish a new evaluation system model by analyzing the correlation between polysaccharides, textures and other active ingredients of Dendrobium officinale in different regions. The content of polysaccharides, alkaloids, flavonoids and other active ingredients and hardness, shear force, viscosity and other physical properties of Dendrobium officinale which come from seven different regions with the same age and the same cultivation method were detected respectively. Polysaccharide content was used to evaluate the quality of the dendrobium officinalis and to analyze the correlation between polysaccharide and texture and other active ingredients. Results showed that the hardness, shear force, viscosity and polysaccharide content of Dendrobium officinale in Longshishan, Hunan were the highest; the content of soluble solids and flavonoids of Dendrobium officinale in Gaoyao, Guangdong had the highest content; the aroma and taste were the best; Dendrobium officinale in Longling County, Baoshan, Yunnan had the highest content of water-soluble extracts and alkaloids; Dendrobium officinale in Yuxi, Yunnan had the highest viscosity but the lowest polysaccharide content and no alkaloid. The results indicated that the region had extremely significant effect on the physical properties such as hardness of Dendrobium officinale and active ingredients such as polysaccharides. The molecular weight and distribution of polysaccharides in Dendrobium officinale from different habitats were also significantly different, and the texture and polysaccharide content are extremely significantly positively correlated with the region. In concluded, judging by the polysaccharide content, the quality of Dendrobium officinale in Longshishan, Hunan is the best in the seven regions sample. The texture can be used to determine the polysaccharide content and the quality of Dendrobium officinale

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CHEN Yanlan , ZHONG Chunfei , XU Ya'nan , DU Bing , REN Yunhong , LI Pan . Study on quality differences of Dendrobium officinale in different areas[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(8) : 123 -130 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022986


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