The effect of different rice on the quality of brewing aromatic vinegar was studied. Using glutinous rice and japonica rice as raw materials, the vinegar was brewed by the traditional technology of Zhenjiang aromatic vinegar. The physicochemical index of the wine mash and vinegar liquid, organic acid, free amino acid and volatile flavor compounds were analyzed. There was a significant difference on ester matter, and a certain difference was shown among free amino acids using different rice. However, there was little difference among physicochemical index and organic acid. For the flavor of the wine mash and vinegar liquid, glutinous rice vinegar was better, especially for the wine mash. Totally 60 kinds of volatile flavor compounds were detected in glutinous rice vinegar. Meanwhile, glutinous rice vinegar has 14 kinds of volatile flavor compounds more than that of the japonica rice vinegar. The content of total volatile flavor compounds of glutinous rice vinegar was 1.5 times that of japonica rice. Overall, different kinds of rice have a significant influence on the quality of brewing aromatic vinegar. Although the traditional technology is suitable for the vinegar brewed with japonica rice, the overall flavor of glutinous rice vinegar is better.
LI Xin
YU Yongjian
ZHANG Junhong
LU Ping
ZHU Shenghu
CUI Pengjing
. Characteristics of aromatic vinegar in the fermentation with different varieties of rice[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(8)
: 167
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022830
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