Strains from genus of Enterococcus are common lactic acid bacteria existed in fermented foods and some of them can be used as potential starters. In order to better study three strains of Enterococcus sp. isolated from soy sauce previously, their biological properties such as growth curve, acid production, and bacteriostasis capacity were investigated. Meanwhile, PCR amplification of virulence genes, amino acids decarboxylases activity, indole test, hemolysis test, and antibiotics susceptibility test were used to assess the safety of these strains. The results showed that these three strains grew to a stable phase within 12 h and could produce acids quickly. All had an inhibitory effect on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. In addition, these strains shown negative results on the tests of virulence factors, indole production and hemolysis activity. They were sensitive to several common antibiotics. Therefore, three isolated strains of Enterococcus sp. possessed good fermentation characteristics and safety.
OU Ximin
SUN Zhangle
WEI Ziqing
ZHAN Ziyao
LI Yingtong
DAI Yueru
XU Manyao
HUANG Guidong
ZHONG Xianfeng
. Characteristic and safety assessment of Enterococcus sp. from soy sauce mash[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(9)
: 83
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023214
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