In order to explore the storage stability and sustained-release properties of chia seed oil microcapsules, this study used caseinate and D-lactose-hydrate to embed chia seed oil to form microcapsules. Oxidation kinetics and predicted product shelf life were explored by measuring the peroxide value of chia seed oil microcapsules during the storage period (65 days). It was found that under room temperature (25 ℃), the shelf life of chia seed oil microcapsules was 219 days, while the shelf life of chia seed oil was 105 days. By measuring the core material retention rate of microencapsulated products under different environmental conditions (temperature, humidity and pH), Avrami 's formula was used to fit and clarify the release types under different storage conditions. The results showed that high temperature and high humidity environment was not conducive to the retention of the core material, and the suitable conditions for the release of the core material were a strong acid or alkali environment. In vitro, simulated digestion experiments showed that chia seed oil microcapsules gradually increased the release rate of free fatty acids throughout the digestive process, and microcapsule release rate reached 81.73% at 270 min, which indicating that the microcapsule had sustained-release behavior in the simulated digestive tract. At the same time, the release rate of microcapsules in the intestinal fluid was higher resulting in most chia seed oil was released in the intestine, thus, could effectively improve the bioavailability of chia seed oil in the human body.
CHANG Xinyue
CHEN Chengli
. Study on storage stability and sustained-release kinetics of chia seedoil microcapsules[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(9)
: 108
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023136
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