In order to effectively utilize the protein resources in soy sauce residue, hydrolysis was performed with alkaline protease followed by the assay of immune activity, and the preparation process were optimized through response surface test. The effect of enzymatic hydrolysate on NO release in cells of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) inflammation model was used as an index. The optimal conditions for enzymatic hydrolysis were obtained: substrate concentration 5%, pH 7.5, 61.31 ℃, enzymolysis time 2.86 h, and enzyme dosage 5 468 U/g, the inhibition rate of NO release in rat macrophages could reach 18.92%. Based on the industrial production, the adjusted process conditions are: substrate concentration 5%, pH 7.5, 60 ℃, enzymatic hydrolysis time 2.9 h, and enzyme dosage 5 500 U/g. Soy sauce residue protein alkaline protease hydrolysate has better immune activity, and the optimized process conditions are feasible.
YU Zhicheng
XU Zhou
CHENG Yunhui
. Optimized process of immuno-active peptides from soy sauce residueprotein hydrolyzed by alkaline protease[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(11)
: 125
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023574
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