Extraction and determination of total polyphenols from brown sugarand its antioxidative effect in vitro

  • ZHANG Fangming ,
  • TENG Haihui ,
  • JIN Yongxue ,
  • LI Huimin ,
  • ZHENG Tao ,
  • ZENG Yiqiong ,
  • ZHENG Hui ,
  • YANG Yong
  • 1(Department of Food and Drug Engineering, College of Pharmacy, Hunan University of TraditionalChinese Medicine, Changsha 410208, China)
    2(Mayang Xinmao Candy Industry Limited Company, Huaihua 418000, China)

Received date: 2020-02-05

  Online published: 2020-06-24


In order to study and evaluate the polyphenols and antioxidant activity in brown sugar of traditional technology, the extraction methods of total polyphenols and their antioxidative effects in vitro were investigated. Based on the Folin phenol method, this research applied response surface analysis method to optimize the optimal extraction conditions of total polyphenols in brown sugar with the concentration of ethanol, the ratio of liquid to material, the extraction temperature and the extraction time as factors. Moreover, the total polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of different batches of brown sugar were determined and the differences of polyphenol compounds were qualitatively analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results showed that the optimized extraction conditions were as follows: the concentration of ethanol and the ratio of material to liquid were 52.78% and 25.54∶1(mL∶g) respectively. Furthermore, the optimized extraction temperature was 40 ℃ for 44.82 min. Besides, the antioxidant capacity of different batches of brown sugar polyphenols was positively correlated with the total polyphenol content while the types of polyphenols of different batches of brown sugar were the same, but there were significant differences in specific polyphenol content among different batches.In conclusion,the extraction conditions of polyphenols were optimized. The brown sugar of traditional technology contains certain polyphenols and has strong antioxidant capacity. Polyphenols should be one of the important functional components of brown sugar of traditional technology.

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ZHANG Fangming , TENG Haihui , JIN Yongxue , LI Huimin , ZHENG Tao , ZENG Yiqiong , ZHENG Hui , YANG Yong . Extraction and determination of total polyphenols from brown sugarand its antioxidative effect in vitro[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(11) : 231 -237 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023520


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