Quality and flavor changes of Pneumatophorus japonicus, Collichthys lucidus, and Harpadon nehereus during ice storage were examined. The results showed that the total number of colonies, total volatile base nitrogen value, and thiobarbituric acid value of the three kinds of marine fish increased continuously with the increase of ice storage time. The growth rate of Pneumatophorus japonicus was faster than the other two kinds of marine fish, and Harpadon nehereus was the slowest. Moreover, the odor scores of three kinds of marine fish were lower than 60 by the 8th day of storage, which indicates that the overall smell of the fish samples was unacceptable. The pH value decreased at first and then increased. And pH values of Pneumatophorus japonicus<Collichthys lucidus<Harpadon nehereus in the same storage time. A total of 32 volatiles were detected using GC-MS and 15 odor-active-compounds, such as isovaleraldehyde, were identified. Based on principal component analysis, hexanal and 1-octene-3-ol were the characteristic volatiles of "fresh" marine fish, whereas isovaleraldehyde, glutaraldehyde, nonanal, styrene, trimethylamine, and dimethyltrisulfide were identified as the characteristic volatiles of "deterioration" fish. This study could provide a basis for the relevant enterprises or departments to develop a rapid evaluation method of aquatic product quality in the future.
GU Saiqi
ZHANG Chenchao
ZHANG Yueting
BAO Rongbin
LIN Zhaoyong
ZHOU Xuxia
DING Yuting
ZHOU Zhenyi
. Quality and flavor changes of three kinds of marine fish in Zhoushanfishing ground during ice storage[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(11)
: 244
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023706
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