In order to explore the antimicrobial activity of different components in thyme essential oils, three thyme essential oils were selected and analyzed by GC-MS, and their effects on Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium sp., Alternaria sp., and Rhizopus sp. were evaluated. Antimicrobial packaging cartons were prepared by A corrugated cardboard coated with nano-emulsion made of selected thyme essential oils, soy protein isolate, and Tween 80. The strawberries were stored in the cartons at (26±2) ℃, RH (45±5)%. The preservation effect was evaluated by examining the sensory quality, decay rate, total number of colonies, weight loss rate, and soluble solids of strawberries. The results showed that the total percentages of thymol and carvacrol in thyme essential oils were 16.03%, 27.09%, and 75.62% for samples No. 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The antimicrobial activity of No. 3 thyme essential oil against 4 tested molds was stronger than that of No. 1 and 2. At room temperature, the antimicrobial packaging cartons with No. 3 thyme essential oil at a volumn concentration of 4% significantly decreased the rot rate and the total number of colonies of strawberries, and also showed a positive effect on maintaining the sensory quality, which effectively extended the shelf life of the strawberries by approximately 1-2 d.
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