This research aims to study the effects of rinsing, grinding, and different heating temperatures on the degeneration and accumulation of myosin in gold carp, so as to provide a theoretical basis for deep processing of gold carp. The raw materials, the rinsed surimi, the ground surimi myosin were extracted respectively, and the ground surimi’s myosin was heated at 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 90 °C for 30 min respectively to determine the muscles under different treatment conditions. The basic physicochemical indexes such as turbidity, solubility, sulfhydryl group, disulfide bond and surface hydrophobicity were determined, and the secondary structure changes of myosin were studied by infrared spectroscopy to explore the process of denaturation and aggregation of golden carp myosin. The results indicated that myosin turbidity and solubility basically showed opposite trends, and rinsing reduced myosin turbidity, and heating increased myosin turbidity, reaching a maximum at 90 ℃; The total sulfhydryl group decreased continuously during the entire processing process, and the disulfide bond showed a completely opposite trend; Rinse and low-temperature heating will significantly increase the active sulfhydryl group, while grinding and high-temperature heating (above 60 ℃) will reduce the active sulfhydryl content; After rinsing, the content of β-fold and random curl decreased slightly, the α-helix increased slightly, and the β-turn had no obvious change. The relative content of the random coil structure of ground surimi was reduced by 4%, while β-turn angle was increased by 3% and 2%, respectively. The effect of heating on the myosin structure was complicated. The unwinding of the α-helical structure mainly formed β-turn and irregular curl when being heated at 40 ℃, while being heated at 90 ℃, the β-fold content in the secondary myosin structure reached 52.87%. In conclusion, golden carp myosin tends to aggregate and mainly form β-sheet structure when being heated at high temperature. It is expected to provide references for the processing of golden carp surimi.
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