In order to investigate the structural changes in processing of western-style smoked ham and properties of sarcoplasmic protein, the sarcoplasmic protein of different processing operations was extracted. The total sulfhydryl content, surface hydrophobicity, Flourier transform infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet spectroscopy, intrinsic fluorescence spectra were used to discuss the change of chemical forces and the structure of sarcoplasmic protein during the processing operations of western-style smoked ham. The results showed that the total sulfhydryl content of sarcoplasmic protein decreased gradually and then increased rapidly, the lowest in the chopping and the highest in the poaching. The surface hydrophobic of the sarcoplasmic protein first decreased slightly, then increased and gradually decreased, the highest in the vacuum rolling and the lowest in the poaching (P<0.05). The secondary structure and tertiary structure of sarcoplasmic proteins during the processing were changed, especially in the vacuum rolling, which made residues of protein exposed to the surface. The microenvironment of the protein changes, which was beneficial to the combination of protein and flavor. The chemical interaction of protein and the structure of sarcoplasmic protein in different processing stages of western-style smoked ham have changed significantly, which can guide the application of smoked liquid in the processing of western-style smoked ham, and provide guidance for the optimization of processing technology of western-style smoked ham. At the same time, this research provides a reference for the study on the mechanism of protein change during meat processing.
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