Physicochemical components and antioxidant activity ofliquid and solid Jiaosu

  • YU Sijie ,
  • LI Hongjun ,
  • HE Zhifei ,
  • LI Shaobo ,
  • LI Minhan
  • 1(College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)
    2(Korea Pulmuone Limited Liability Company, 120-749, Korea)

Received date: 2020-02-19

  Online published: 2020-08-04


A comparative analysis was conducted between liquid and solid Jiaosu (a fermented product rich in enzymes and active components ) in physical-chemical compositions, bioactive substances, and antioxidant activities. The results showed that the contents of total acid, reducing sugar, soluble solids, total polyphenol, total flavonoid, and anthocyanin in liquid Jiaosu products were significantly higher than those in solid Jiaosu. The activity of superoxide dismutase in liquid Jiaosu was between 193.23-1 214.46 U/mL, which was significantly higher than that of the solid one. However, the two kinds of Jiaosu products had low protease, lipase, and α-amylase activity, while almost no α-amylase activity could be detected in liquid Jiaosu. Jiaosu products showed strong antioxidant capacity, and liquid Jiaosu exhibited remarkable DPPH radical scavenging capacity (IC50 values ranges from 5.65 to 21.08 μL/mL) which was stronger than solid Jiaosu (IC50>29.77 μL/mL).The result in here provided a reference to understand the quality of Jiaosu products in different physical states, which played a guideline in contributing to the healthy development of Jiaosu industry.

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YU Sijie , OH YOUNG JOO , LI Hongjun , KIM TAE SUK , HE Zhifei , LEE SANG YUN , LI Shaobo , LI Minhan . Physicochemical components and antioxidant activity ofliquid and solid Jiaosu[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(13) : 85 -91 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023681


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