Iron is an important trace element in the human body and plays an important role in human health. In this paper, a novel compound (named R1) has been synthesized by using rhodamine B, ethylenediamine and o-vanillin as raw materials. The structure of R1 was characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrum, and the properties just as ion selectivity, reaction complex ratio and sensitivity were tested. Results showed that R1 can selectively recognize Fe3+. As the color of the solution changed significantly, the fluorescence also changed. According to the calculation of job's plot curve, the complex ratio of R1 toward Fe3+ was 1∶1. Meanwhile, R1 for Fe3+ sensing had a remarkable low detection limit of 146 mmol/L (UV) and 129 mmol/L (fluorescence), which is far below the drinking water standards (0.3 mg/L) of China. Furthermore, the cellular imaging and cytotoxicity experiments demonstrated that R1 could be used for sensing Fe3+ in vivo due to its low cytotoxicity and good biocompatibility. Therefore, as a new type of visual fluorescent probe, R1 could be effectively applied to the content detection of Fe3+ in the fields of food safety, environment, biology, etc.
LI Changjiang
LI Qing
ZHENG Yuchuan
KE Zhongcheng
LI Bowen
. Synthesis and properties of Fe3+ probe based on ring-opening and ring-closing[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(13)
: 107
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023795
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