In order to make full use of the tail liquor of strong-flavor Baijiu, the method and conditions of distillation were studied by flavor analysis combined with sensory evaluation. The distillate was further applied for the blending of the Baijiu liquor, and the addition amount of distillate was evaluated by chromatographic analysis combined with electronic nose, electronic tongue detection and sensory evaluation. The results showed that the vacuum distillation was suitable for the recovery of alcohol and flavor substances in the tail liquor. The optimized distillation conditions were 80 ℃, 0.25 MPa, 120 r/min, and the amount of distillate was 40%. The ethanol in the distillate was completely distilled out and the alcohol concentration in final distillates was 46.82% vol. The content of ethyl lactate and aceticacidinthedistillatedecreased.Andisovaleraldehyde,butyricacid,isobutyl alcohol and isoamyl alcohol decreased slightly. However, other flavor substances increased slightly compared with the tail liquor. When the addition amount of distillate was less than 7%, no significant difference in typical aroma, flavor features and overall style was identified between the blended Baijiu and the original Baijiu. Vacuum distillation could greatly improve the utilization rate of the tail liquor of strong-flavor Baijiu, and this study provided a theoretical basis for the efficient utilization of liquor and flavor components in the tail liquor.
YUAN Huawei
AN Mingzhe
QIAO Zongwei
LI Zhizhong
. Distillation conditions for the recovery and utilization of the tailliquor of strong-flavor Baijiu[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(13)
: 133
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023831
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