Online prediction of soluble solids and firmness of Mengyin peaches based on Vis/NIR diffuse-transmission spectroscopy

  • YU Huaizhi ,
  • CHEN Dongjie ,
  • JIANG Peihong ,
  • ZHANG Yuhua ,
  • GUO Fengjun ,
  • ZHANG Changfeng
  • 1(National Engineering Research Center for Agricultural Products Logistics, Jinan 250103, China)
    2(Shandong Key Laboratory of Storage and Transportation Technology of Agricultural Products, Jinan 250103, China)

Received date: 2019-09-03

  Online published: 2020-08-17


An online, non-destructive internal quality inspection/grading system was designed for Mengyin peaches using near-infrared spectroscopy. Online models to detect soluble solid content (SSC) and firmness of Mengyin peaches were established in keeping with the sorting system’s at a speed of 5 fruits/second. Spectra were pre-processed using methods including Savitzky-Golay smoothing (SGS) and Savitzky-Golay derivative (SG-DER) calculations. SSC and firmness prediction models were established for different wavelength ranges using partial least squares (PLS) fitting. The results showed that, in the construction of SSC prediction model, SG-DER pre-processing was optimum in the range of 600-750 nm and 750-900 nm wavelength. Correlation coefficients of calibration and validation sets were 0.919 and 0.863, and root mean square errors were 0.735 and 0.764%, respectively. SGS used for pre-processing was suitable in firmness prediction model construction. And the correlation coefficients of calibration and validation sets were 0.832 and 0.746, and root mean square errors were 0.774 N and 0.785 N, respectively. Furthermore, a genetic algorithm (GA) and a successive projections algorithm (SPA) were used to screen characteristic variables in the 600-750 nm and 750-900 nm wavelength ranges, and SSC and firmness prediction models were established with the respective use of SG-DER and SGS for spectral pre-preprocessing. The results revealed that both SPA and GA could effectively reduce the number of variables used in model construction. And they also could enhance the predictive ability and computation speed of online SSC and firmness prediction models. SSC and firmness prediction models established with SPA-PLS were better than those GA-PLS did. The correlation coefficient and root mean square error of the SSC prediction set were 0.916% and 0.721 %, respectively. Moreover, the correlation coefficient and root mean square error of the firmness prediction set were 0.811 and 0.742 N, respectively. Thus, on-line non-destructive detection of SSC and firmness of Mengyin peaches could be realized with near-infrared diffuse-transmission spectroscopy.

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YU Huaizhi , CHEN Dongjie , JIANG Peihong , ZHANG Yuhua , GUO Fengjun , ZHANG Changfeng . Online prediction of soluble solids and firmness of Mengyin peaches based on Vis/NIR diffuse-transmission spectroscopy[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(14) : 216 -221 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022156


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