The study aimed to analyze the effect of artificial inoculation of Leuconostoc mesenteroides JNZB003 on the chemical component and microbial quantity of traditional pickled Lepidium sativum in Yanbian. JNZB003 with the concentrations of 1% and 5% was inoculated in the first pickled Lepidium sativum,respectively,and then fermented at 4 ℃,named as the artificial inoculation group. The contents of chemical components (nitrite,reducing sugar,amino acid nitrogen,total acid,etc) and the number of the microorganisms (total number of colonies,coliform,lactic acid bacteria and yeast) in the artificial inoculation and natural fermented groups were determined and analyzed. The results showed that in the artificial inoculation group,the fermentation period was shortened about 7 days,the content of nitrite was lower and the degradation rate was high the content of total acid was higher,the pH value decreased quickly,the number of lactic acid bacteria was higher,and the total number of colonies and the content of amino acid nitrogen were lower than those in the natural fermented group. In conclusion,artificial inoculation fermentation is better than traditional natural fermentation with high edible safety,and 1% of inoculation size is better than that of 5%.
LIU Xiaoxiao
JIN Yongmei
LI Shurui
LI Shengnan
WEI Chunyan
. Effects of Leuconostoc mesenteroides inoculation on chemical components and microbial quantity of fermented Lepidium sativum[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(15)
: 107
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023923
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