In order to improve the drying quality of dried Hami melon(Cucumis melo L. Reticulatus Group) slices,vacuum hot air drying technology was applied to it. The effects of vacuum temperature,hot air temperature,and converted moisture content on drying characteristics and drying quality were explored by single-factor experiment. And the contents of Vc content,color,rehydration ratio,and chewability were used as indicators of drying quality. Moreover,the improved multi-index test formula method was used to calculate the weight coefficients of each indicator,which could be used to get the comprehensive score of each test. The optimal level of each factor was selected by comprehensive scores. Process optimization was achieved through response surface experiments based on the result of the single-factor experiment. Optimized process parameters were obtained by the mathematical model of quadratic regression of comprehensive scores and factors. Results indicated that hot air temperature,vacuum temperature and converted moisture content had significant effect on the drying characteristics and drying time. And the order of the effect on comprehensive scores was hot air temperature> vacuum temperature>converted moisture content. The optimum technological parameters were as follows: vacuum temperature at 56 ℃,hot air temperature at 68 ℃ and converted moisture content of 36%. Under the above conditions,when drying for 10.8 hours,the following indicators could be obtained including the color difference (17.78),the rehydration ratio(4.77),the Vc content (145.3 mg/100 g),and the chewability (372.678 g) and the comprehensive score was 93.6. This research could provide references for the application of vacuum hot air drying technology in Hami melon drying industry.
ZHAO Zeying
YUAN Yuejin
. Optimization of vacuum hot air drying system for Hami melon slices by multi-index experimental formula[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(15)
: 140
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023708
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