In order to optimize the key process of gun powder green tea and improve its quality, the shaping process parameters of gun powder green tea were optimized by orthogonal design. The quality differences of gun powder green tea and the dynamic changes of quality components during processing were studied by sensory evaluation and component analysis. The results showed that the optimum shaping conditions were the water content of 40% at 120 ℃ for 90 min and the leaf casting amount of 3 kg in the first shaping stage. And in the second shaping stage, the water content of 25% at 100 ℃ for 60 min and the leaf casting amount of 4 kg. A series of physical and chemical components have been changed during the shaping stage of gun powder green tea, in which the contents of water, tea polyphenols, total catechins and catechin bitter index decreased, amino acids increased gradually, while the contents of soluble sugar increased first and then decreased. Compared with the gun powder green tea on the market, the color of the test green tea was significantly improved and the bitterness and astringency were significantly reduced. This experiment is helpful to guide the production practices and provide a theoretical basis for the formulation of a standardized process of gun powder green tea.
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