In this study, sea-buckthorn puree and crown pear were used as raw materials to evaluate the sensory quality of samples by fuzzy mathematical model. And the formula of mixed fruit juice was determined by sensory score. The proportion of stabilizers in mixed juice was optimized by single factor test and box-behnken design of response surface with precipitation rate as the response value. Then the stabilizing effect of stabilizer was further determined by the analysis of laser particle size. The results showed that the mixed fruit juice with the best flavor was made of 17.5% sea-buckthorn puree, 67.6% crown pear juice, 7.7% fructose syrup and 7.2% honey. The stability of pectin, CMC and xanthan gum were better than others when the stabilizer was used alone. Moreover, response surface optimization test showed that pectin, CMC and xanthan gum were added to the mixed juice with 0.04%, 0.05% and 0.05% respectively. Its’stability was optimal and the sedimentation rate of the sample was 6.83%. Furthermore, laser particle size analysis showed that the stability of composite stabilizer with particle size 0.61-200 μm was better than the single stabilizer with particle size 1-1 500 μm. The samples with optimal formula and composite stabilizer had the uniform color and delicate taste, pH value 2.78±0.01, soluble solids (14.2±0.02)%, titrable acid (6.81±0.09) g/L, total sugar (117.3±0.9) g/L, total number of colonies < 100 CFU/mL, the pathogenic bacteria were not detected which meted the hygiene requirements of beverage.
CHEN Yonghao
LI Jixin
FENG Lidan
BA Lingzhen
CUI Yuanyuan
. Study on formula of sea-buckthorn and pear mixed juice and optimization of proportion of stabilizer[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(16)
: 141
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.024002
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