The fermentation conditions of neutral protease production by Bacillus subtilis L07 were optimized in this study. The effects of sucrose, peptone, Tween-80, MgSO4, initial pH, inoculation amount, fermentation time and temperature on the neutral protease production were investigated by single factor experiments. Using Plackett-Burman experiment, the main significant factors were identified as peptone, magnesium sulfate and inoculation amount. The steepest ascent experiment determined the center point of the next response surface experiment was 13 mL/100mL of inoculation, 15 g/100mL of peptone, and 0.4 g/100mL of MgSO4. Finally, the optimal fermentation conditions were determined through Box-Behnken experiments: sucrose 10 g/100mL, peptone 15.3 g/100mL, Tween-80 0.2 mL/100mL, initial pH 6.8, MgSO4 0.39 g/100mL, inoculation volume 13.4 mL/100mL, and cultured for 44 h at 32 ℃. Under these fermentation conditions, the neutral protease activity was increased from 133.32 U/mL to 401.83 U/mL.
LU Chao
CHEN Jingxian
WANG Guoxia
LI Chunge
WANG Huiyu
. Optimization of fermentation conditions for the production of neutral protease by Bacillus subtilis L07[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(16)
: 148
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023566
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