In order to evaluate the effects of excipients (pueraria starch and lotus root starch) , which account for 24%of frozen blueberry quality, the FPC (free polyphenols content, FPC), BPC (bound polyphenols content, BPC) and in vitro antioxidant ability of vacuum microwave drying blueberry products were measured and analyzed which based on the experimental results of vacuum freeze drying process. The results showed that excipients could effectively improve the drying rate of blueberry products and prevent products caking. Furthermore, by adding pueraria starch and lotus root starch in vacuum microwave processing respectively, the FPC increased by 22.44% and 40.54% but the BPC decreased by 45.10% and 49.51%. After storing in the dark at 4 ℃ or 4 months, the FPC increased and the BPC decreased in all blueberry products mixing with excipients. Moreover, TPC (total polyphenols content, TPC) was significantly higher than that of the blueberry drying products without the addition of excipients (P<0.05). However, the FPC, BPC and TPC of blueberry products dried by vacuum microwave with no addition of excipients all decreased. In vitro antioxidant ability of blueberry products increased significantly after adding lotus root starch (P<0.05), but the effect of pueraria starch was not significant. In conclusion, the excipients of lotus root starch and pueraria starch had good protective effects on polyphenols content and in vitro antioxidant ability of blueberry. They could be applied as protective excipients in vacuum microwave drying process of blueberry and other resources rich in polyphenols.
HU Xiang
LI Luoxin
FENG Jianguo
ZENG Yiqiong
XIN Jibiao
SUN Junyu
. Effects of two kinds of starch excipients on polyphenols content and antioxidant ability of vacuum microwave drying blueberry products[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(16)
: 183
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023979
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