Lycopene is a kind of fat-soluble carotenoids with strong antioxidant properties. It is widely used in food, medicine and other industries. Previous studies have constructed engineered Escherichia coli with high-level production of lycopene using inducer. But these methods are labor intensive and time-consuming. In order to simplify the lycopene production, 17 promoters that regulated by transcription factor in E. coli were selected and E. coli recombinants were constructed e by cloning promoter sequences and ligating with report gene crtEBI. E. coli recombinant with the promoter Plpp and Pmglb were mediated more effective expression. The lycopene yield increased by 51.3% compared with the control strain pTRC99aEBI.
SU Boli
WANG Yonghong
ZHANG Yulian
HUANG Huarui
ZHANG Xiuxiu
ZHU Honghui
. Effects of promoters for lycopene production in engineering Escherichia coli[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(17)
: 27
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023250
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