The separation and extraction methods of chitin/chitosan and its application in food industry

  • YUAN Yuan ,
  • RONG Yali ,
  • YANG Feng ,
  • CHEN Luzhu ,
  • SHI Wenzheng ,
  • WANG Zhihe
  • 1(Shanghai Ocean University College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai 201306, China)
    2(National R&D Branch Center for Freshwater Aquatic Products Processing Technology (Shanghai), Shanghai 201306, China)

Received date: 2020-04-23

  Revised date: 2020-05-11

  Online published: 2020-10-23


Chitin is a natural macromolecule compound which is second only to cellulose in nature with nontoxic and biocompatible. With stronger biological activity, chitosan could be produced after deacetylation and had a good development prospect in food industry. The separation and extraction methods of chitin/chitosan were firstly introduced in this article, including the traditional chemical method, biological method and several new processing and extraction methods such as EDTA, iron-liquid and resource utilization method. Further, the applications of chitin/chitosan as functional food, food preservative, edible packaging film, food flocculant, water treatment adsorbent, etc. in food industry were reviewed. Finally, the process improvement methods and future development direction of chitin/chitosan were proposed. This work provides a reference for chitin/chitosan green production and its application in food industry.

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YUAN Yuan , RONG Yali , YANG Feng , CHEN Luzhu , SHI Wenzheng , WANG Zhihe . The separation and extraction methods of chitin/chitosan and its application in food industry[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(18) : 252 -258 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.024289


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