以小米米糠、大米米糠、麦麸、糙米、白糯米为原料,采用高压微通道射流技术对谷物原料进行湿法粉碎。论文探究原料、粉碎压力和循环次数对样品粒径的影响,以及高压微通道射流技术对物料的减菌作用效果。实验结果表明:经过高压微通道射流技术对谷物原料实施粉碎,小米米糠、大米米糠、麦麸、糙米、白糯米粒径得到显著减小,尤其是经过高压微通道射流处理一次后,物料的粒径便得到显著减小。其中,糙米和白糯米的粒径经高压微通道射流处理一次后,平均粒径D50则减小至10 μm以下。将黄豆、牛奶和白糯米三种物料进行高压微通道射流处理,实验结果发现,经高压微通道射流处理的样品,微生物菌落总数减少了近20倍,起到了一定的减菌作用,可达到延长产品保质期的目的。
Millet bran, rice bran, wheat bran, brown rice,
sticky rice were wet pulverized by the high-pressure microchannel fludizer.The
effects of raw material, pressure and cycle times on particle sizes of the
samples were investigated.Effects of the high-pressure microchannel fludizer on
the microbial reduction were also studied. The experimental results showed that
the particle sizes of millet bran, rice bran, wheat bran, brown rice and sticky
rice were reduced significantly after the high-pressure microchannel fludizer
treatments.Especially, the particle size was remarkably reducedafter the first
cycle. The average particle diameter D50of brown rice and sticky
rice was reduced to less than 10 μm after the high-pressure microchannel fludizer
treatments. The results showed that the total number of microbialdecreased by
20 times, and the high-pressure microchannel fludizer played a role in
bacteria-reducing. Therefore, the shelf-life of liquid products can be extended.