以水分含量、油脂含量、颜色、感官评分和油脂吸收为指标,分别考察了油炸温度(165、175、185℃)和油炸时间(60、90、120、150、180 s)对油炸外裹糊牡蛎品质的影响。结果表明:随着油炸温度的升高和时间的延长,油炸外裹糊牡蛎的水分含量降低,油脂含量增加,L*值和b*值减小、a*值增大,感官评分先升高后下降,油脂吸收程度加大;175℃炸制90 s或120 s所得油炸外裹糊牡蛎色泽金黄,外酥里嫩,牡蛎特征风味突出,感官品质最好。
water content, oil content, color, sensory score and oil uptake as indexes, the effect of frying temperature(165,175,185℃)and time(60,90,120,150,180 s)on quality of fried,
battered, and breaded oyster were evaluated. The results showed that with the
increase of frying temperature and time, the water content decreased, oil
content increased,L* andb* decreased,a* increased, sensory
score increased first and then decreased, oil uptake increased. In addition, battered
and breaded oysters fried at 175 ℃for 90 s or 120 s were with
golden-brown surface color, crunchy crust, tender core, and outstanding
characteristic flavor of oyster, so theirsensory quality were the