
  • (东北林业大学林学院,黑龙江省哈尔滨市,150040)

网络出版日期: 2018-01-08



Assessment of nutritional components in redraspberry seeds from five cultivars

  • (School of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China)

Online published: 2018-01-08


本试验以东北地区的哈瑞太兹、菲尔杜德、秋福、宝石红、欧洲红五种红树莓果籽为原料,用国标法对不同品种红树莓果籽的外观、千粒重等理化指标进行测定,并测定比较这五种红树莓果籽中的营养成分及活性物质含量。试验结果表明:不同品种的红树莓果籽的理化指标、营养成分及活性物质含量具有一定差异。红树莓果籽属小籽粒种子,千粒重1.06~1.60g,含水分3.23%~8.78%、粗脂肪12.69%~16.65%、粗蛋白4.64%~8.54%、总糖2.00%~4.26%、还原糖0.97%~2.40%、粗灰分0.84%~1.57%、总酚15.21~18.53 mg/g、黄酮8.19~11.50mg/g、原花青素19.43~31.10mg/g。不同品种红树莓果籽中维生素E含量为33.80~52.59μg/g,维生素A、D、K未检出。红树莓果籽中含有丰富的钙、钴、铁、钾、磷等矿物质元素,其中秋福果籽中矿物质元素含量最高为3520.51μg/g。本试验为开发和利用红树莓果籽提供了科学基础和理论依据。


迟超, 杨宪东, 孙琪, 等 . 不同品种红树莓果籽营养成分分析 [J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2017 , 43(12) : 218 -223 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.013902


Using the national standards methods, the appearance, grain weight, physical-chemical properties, nutrition components and bio-active compounds of five kinds of red raspberry (Heritage, FertodZamatos, Autumn Bliss, U.S. Raspberry and European red) seeds were analyzed and compared. The results showed that red raspberry seeds were small grain seeds with thousand seed weight of 1.06-1.60 g, water content of 3.23%-8.78%, crude fat content of 12.69%-16.65%, crude protein content of4.64%-8.54%, total sugar content of2.00%-4.26%, reducing sugar contentof 0.97%-2.40%,crude ash contentof0.84%-1.57%,total polyphenols contentof 15.21-18.53 mg/g, flavonoids contentof 8.19-11.50 mg/g, procyanidinscontentof 19.43-31.10mg/g.The contents of vitamin E in different varieties of red raspberry seed were 33.80-52.59 μg/g, but vitamin A, D, K were not detected.Proximate analysis showed that the raspberry seeds were rich in mineral elements, proved to be a good source for minerals Ca,Co,Fe,K,P, and Autumn Bliss seeds had the most abundant mineral element content which wasup to 3520.51 μg/g.The scientific and theoretical basis were provided for red raspberry seeds fully utilized.
